Check of usefulness of a state and substitution of the sensor of fluctuations of an end of inclination (CKF)
The sensor CKF is composed of the rotor of pulsations located in the advanced pin of an end of inclination and the meeting of touch of induction was concentrated in the motor near to a rotor. ECM/PCM uses the information that arrives of the sensor CKF of the determination of the size of the modification of the frequency of the rotation (the fluctuations of the turns) of an end of inclination. If the fluctuations exceed the limit of the admissible variety, it considers the module of the management like a sign of the emergence of admissions of the ignition.
To check
1. Find the capture of electrical system of sensor CKF in the block of motor of a belt that distributes the gas (companion sees an illustration). The trace that the ignition key turned in the position of and disunite the capture.
2. Join an ohmmeter between two extern captures of the capture (not to the central capture). The result of the measurement will be in the variety of 1.6÷3.2 kOhm, otherwise to substitute the sensor. 3. In sole series an ohmmeter between the mass of a body and each one of extern captures of the capture. If the condutividade happens, substitute the sensor.