4. Acquire a monkey below the lowest lever of a support of the triangular form of interruption, when a support supplied it in the retired meeting of the absorbent one of the shock. There results a pin of union (companion sees an illustration).
5th. Give a nut and take one for the pin of the fixation of a fork to the lowest lever of a support of the triangular form of interruption (companion sees an illustration).
5b. Withdraw a fork. In case of the necessity of the separation of a fork of the absorbent one of the shock they explore he the hammer with the gentle living creature.
6. Having supported the meeting of the absorbent one of the shock, help two nuts of his top (companion sees an illustration). Take the meeting of bass of the car for a wheel arch.
1. There begins the meeting of the absorbent one of the shock with a spring of screw for a wheel arch at the regular place. Exactly hair clips of hair of fixation of step during openings of the superior support in an arch fender. At the same time nuts of fixation of screw in hair hair clips, having held tight them for the time being only to the hand.
In view of the considerable weight of the meeting that is loosened it will be reasonable to hold with the help of the spectator.