4th. Withdraw a cog-wheel of an end of inclination, then an internal guide of a belt (companions see illustrations).
4b. Get rid of an internal guide of a chain of a pin of end.
5. Having hooked up exactly the special instrument or the great screwdriver, take an old man epiploon of the nest (companion sees an illustration). Try not to leave scratches and zadir in a surface of a pin of an end or the case of the bomb of oil, – the existence of similar defects will lead to the failure bystry again epiploon.
6. Clear internal surfaces of a nest under landing of an epiploon. Polish the exterior edge again epiploon with the oil of universal pure or lubricating reason. To use a head of face of the corresponding size or part of a tube of the convenient diameter like a mandrel, put a new epiploon in the nest (companion saw an illustration) the mandrel will rest only against the firm exterior edge of a surface of face of an epiploon). When an epiploon put, it is secured what the spring of expansion did not jump for out of the flute.