Honda Civic/Acura Integra

from 1994 launch

Repair and operation of the car

Honda Tsivik
+ Cars of the mark of It Treats Full text and Honda Civic With care
+ Maintenance education
+ Regular maintenance
- Motor
   + Repair of the motor without extraction of the car - the Civic model
   - Repair of the motor without extraction of the car - the Full text model
      General information
      The preparatory actions and the list of proceedings of repair that can happen without the extraction of the motor of the car
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP)
      Removal and installation of a covering of a head of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the oil pipeline of entry
      Removal and installation of a final collector
      Removal, check of a state and installation of a belt that distributes the gas and cog-wheels of GRM drive
      Substitution of an advanced epiploon of an end of inclination
      The systems VTEC - the general information and check of a condition of component ones
      Removal, check of a state and installation of axles and meeting of yokes
      Spring substitution valvate with plates and hats maslootrazhatelny
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the trundle bed of a case of the motor
      Removal, check of a state and installation of the bomb of oil
      Substitution of a pendulum / driving of disc
      Substitution of a few back epiploon of an inclination end
      Check of a state and substitution of support of a support of the triangular form of interruption of the unity of power
   + General and repairs of capital of the motor
+ Cooling of system and heating
+ System of provision of power and launch
+ Electric motor equipment
+ Systems of control of the motor
+ Box of dislocation of gear
+ Union and ends of power
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment


Removal, check of a state and installation of axles and meeting of yokes


1. The control of a play of axial side happens how if it follows:
   a) Install the axle in the motor and fix it for loads coverings;

b) Fix the instrument of measuring of disc in a head of cylinders, when a diver rested it against a face of end of end (companion seeing an illustration);

   c) Having used the great screwdriver like the lever, take an end against the stopped one behind and cancel the instrument of measuring, soon push an end they dispatch and consider the reading instrument;
   d) Compare the result of the measurement to Specifications demands;
   e) O excessive size of a play of axial side talks about the use of the axle or head. Substitute component incorrect.
2. For check thrash from side:
   a) Put the retired axle of the motor in two prisms V-shaped, soon hold tight a diver of the instrument of measuring from disc to a neck of the central and so great load of thrashing of measure in the moment of the rotation of an end;
   b) Compare when they resulted from the measurement to Specifications demands;
   c) In the excessive struggle the axle is subject to the substitution.




1. Remove the distributor (to see the Chief Elektrooborudovaniye of the motor).
2. Discover a head of cylinders (to see the Removal and the installation of a covering of a head of cylinders). Completely weaken screws of agreement of valves (to see the Front Regular maintenance).
3. Bring the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of VMT (to see the Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP)).
4. Take away a belt that distributes the gas and the cog-wheels of the axles (to see Removal, check of a state and installation of a belt that distributes the gas and cog-wheels of GRM drive).
5. Check coverings of loads of the end of the existence of the marking in the form of the arrows that specify towards a belt of GRM drive. In case of the necessity they put the corresponding etiquettes independently through a chertilka. Also the coverings of number (with the first one in the sixth one in the direction of a belt that distributes the gas) and they mark them in the relevance to an end of concrete (entry or end).

The incorrect installation of bearers of the end, and also not in that direction they can take the rotation of the last one to the meetings interference.

6. Movement of the center on the outside, in stages (in turns of 1/4 of the approximation) they weaken pins of the fixation of coverings, having brought to nothing the effort developed per springs valvate.
7. Take axles of a head of cylinders, subsequently take yokes (the position of landing mark of the last one – in the meeting has been by them to be established strictly at ancient places).

To check


1. Carefully rub all the component ones and they are checked by the existence of signs of use and mechanical damages. Check a condition of surfaces of work of yokes and cames of axles. Check a condition of axes of yokes. Substitute component incorrect. Do not forget of be securing of passability of maslotok of yokes axes.
2. Degree of estimate of use of cames of axles:
   a) Check the lifting of cames of the existence of deep scratches, zadir, cavities and signs of the unequal operation;
   b) In case of the detection of defects they substitute an end, previously having discovered and having withdrawn a cause of the use. Check the oil of reason to existence in him of an abrasive, one secures of passability of maslotok. The use of cames is joined very often with the pollution of the oil;

   c) Through a height of measure of micrometer of cames (companion sees an illustration).

3. Check necks of load and in bulk and a covering of loads of existence of zadir and signs of the unequal use. In case of the detection of defects they substitute a head of cylinders.
4. The measure slits of work in loads through the tipsy wire of Plastigauge established:
   a) Rub coverings of loads and a neck of the end with the pure rags moistened in the acetone;
   b) Exactly put the end in a head of cylinders (without any lubricant).

In the course of the implementation of the proceeding the end must not be turned.

   c) Put parts of the tipsy plastic wire of the play of Plastigauge along the load of the necks of the end (companion sees an illustration);

   d) Establish to the place of a covering of loads, then in stages hold tight his fixation with the necessary effort (movement of the center of an end on the outside);
   e) Give pins and discover;

   f) A width of measure of the parts had been leveled out of the wire calibrated in the scale applied in the packing of play (companion had seen an illustration);

   g) If the measurements results will exceed the limit of the admissible variety (to see Specifications), substitutes component when they were used;
   h) A edge of a credit or card of public phone scratches out to remain of the wire had been leveled out of end necks.



1. Polish all the component ones with the lubricant of meeting or oil of pure reason, soon establish to the place of the meeting of yokes (it controls the marking of landing).
2. Fat Cames and axles necks with the lubricant of special meeting, soon puts himself end in the loads (do not mix an end of entry with the end). Polish the surfaces of coverings of the 1st and 6th inter-connected loads to a head with the selante anaeróbico. Establish coverings, then, moving from the center on the outside, in stages exactly hold tight pins of fixation with the necessary effort (to see Specifications).
3. The new installation is done as it must be, the return to an order of is demolished of component ones. In case of the necessity they do the agreement of slits valvate (to see the Front Regular maintenance).
4. The motor begins in the existence of signs of holes and usefulness of the functioning.




1. Take away a belt and the cog-wheels of the GRM drive (to see Removal, check of a state and installation of a belt that distributes the gas and cog-wheels of GRM drive).
2. Discover a head of cylinders (to see the Removal and the installation of a covering of a head of cylinders).
3. Withdraw the distributor of the ignition and the sensor of fluctuations of an end of inclination (there see Chapters the Electric equipment of the motor and the System of control of the motor).
4. Weaken countersows and against the stop there result pins of the agreement of slits valvate.
5. Check coverings of loads of the end of the existence of the marking in the form of the arrows that specify towards a belt of GRM drive. In case of the necessity they put the corresponding etiquettes independently through a chertilka. Also the coverings of number (with the first one in the sixth one in the direction of a belt that distributes the gas) and they mark them in the relevance to an end of concrete (entry or end).

The incorrect installation of bearers of the end, and also not in that direction they can take the rotation of the last one to the meetings interference.

6. Movement of the center on the outside, in stages (in turns of 1/4 of the approximation) they weaken pins of the fixation of coverings, having brought to nothing the effort developed per springs valvate (to see an illustration – the pins otdavaniye has to do in the return shown in a picture an order to himself). Withdraw bearers' plates and a covering of loads (the inter-connected surface of a covering of 3rd [central office] load is equipped of the equipped pin of direction of a ring of fighter of rubber – they try not to lose fine details).

7. Take axles of a head of cylinders.

8. Fix yokes of the walk of each one of plays of valves one with other through bandages of rubber (companion sees an illustration).

9. It turns out to be the pins of the fixation of a head of cylinders that they pass by the axes of the yokes (to see the Removal and the installation of a head of cylinders). Withdraw of axes masloraspylitel (to see the Removal, the check of a state and the installation of axles and the meeting of yokes).

10th. The screw in faces of end of axes fires in 12 mm.

10b. For pins leaders in series they take axes of a head of cylinders companions see illustrations).

11. Take of the nests in a head of cylinders of the meeting of ticket inspectors of slits valvate (companion sees an illustration). Check a condition of meetings (to see the Systems VTEC - the general information and the check of a condition of component ones).

To check


1. Check a condition of end and yokes (to see paragraphs of the check to the MOTOR B18B1 (BEZ VTEC) in top).
2. The plays of type of yokes and they check a condition of component ones (to see the Systems VTEC - the general information and the check of a condition of component ones).

Put component in orders of his relevance to the play – in the meeting they have to be established strictly at the ancient places. Having secured of the usefulness of a condition of details, join plays and fix them between them with rubber bandages.



1. Establish at the regular places of the meeting of ticket inspectors of slits valvate (to see the prior illustration).
2. Polish all the component ones with the lubricant of meeting or oil of pure reason. Up to the end they weaken screws of the agreement of slits valvate. Establish the meetings of yokes fixed with bandages of rubber at the ancient places, soon establish axes of yokes. The nest under the landing of a masloraspylitel is supplied in each one of axes of yokes. After the installation of the end of a nest there is rassovmeshchena, it corrects leaders' axes of the boats screwed in his faces of end.
3. When new fighter rings were put in masloraspylitel, soon establish sprays in a head – they do not mix a spray of entry with the end (to see the Systems VTEC - the general information and the check of a condition of component ones). The trace that sprinkles vein to the nests in axes of yokes (in the correct installation sprays they will blockade axes of a provorachivaniye).
4. Fat Cames and axles necks with the lubricant of special meeting, soon puts himself end in the loads (do not mix an end of entry with the end).

5. Carefully rub with dry rags the surfaces of a head that contacts the epiploons and establish new epiploons (the parties provided with springs to a head) (companion sees an illustration).

6. Polish the surfaces of coverings of the 1st and 5th inter-connected loads to a head with the selante anaeróbico.

7. Establish in coverings bearers, then, working in that order (companion seeing an illustration), in stages exactly hold tight pins of fixation with the necessary effort (to see Specifications).

8. The new installation is done as it must be, the return to an order of is demolished of component ones. In case of the necessity they do the agreement of slits valvate (to see the Front Regular maintenance).
9. The motor begins in the existence of signs of holes and usefulness of the functioning.