Honda Civic/Acura Integra

from 1994 launch

Repair and operation of the car

Honda Tsivik
+ Cars of the mark of It Treats Full text and Honda Civic With care
+ Maintenance education
+ Regular maintenance
- Motor
   + Repair of the motor without extraction of the car - the Civic model
   - Repair of the motor without extraction of the car - the Full text model
      General information
      The preparatory actions and the list of proceedings of repair that can happen without the extraction of the motor of the car
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the superior dead point (TDP)
      Removal and installation of a covering of a head of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the oil pipeline of entry
      Removal and installation of a final collector
      Removal, check of a state and installation of a belt that distributes the gas and cog-wheels of GRM drive
      Substitution of an advanced epiploon of an end of inclination
      The systems VTEC - the general information and check of a condition of component ones
      Removal, check of a state and installation of axles and meeting of yokes
      Spring substitution valvate with plates and hats maslootrazhatelny
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the trundle bed of a case of the motor
      Removal, check of a state and installation of the bomb of oil
      Substitution of a pendulum / driving of disc
      Substitution of a few back epiploon of an inclination end
      Check of a state and substitution of support of a support of the triangular form of interruption of the unity of power
   + General and repairs of capital of the motor
+ Cooling of system and heating
+ System of provision of power and launch
+ Electric motor equipment
+ Systems of control of the motor
+ Box of dislocation of gear
+ Union and ends of power
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment


The systems VTEC – the general information and check of a condition of component ones

General information

A great deal of models of the cars of Honda are equipped of the electronic system of the correction of phases of the distribution of gas (VTEC).

The distinction between the ordinary and driving motors equipped of the system VTEC is composed in a complete set and the beginning of the operation of the mechanism valvate. A drawing of the block of the motor and all the knots with hinges and unities, and also schemes of the organization of systems of lubrication and cooling in both unities it is identic. The motor that is equipped exgently of the system VTEC is differentiated in the existence from above in a covering of a head of cylinders of a convex inscription of the corresponding content (VTEC).

The entry axle is equipped of three cames of each one of the valves given by him. The special module of the management of the power (RSM), coming from the data that arrive of information sensors defines what of plays of cames will bring valves of entry of cameras of combustion in each current situation. On basis of the analysis of the information which reprimand of RSM includes or puts the system VTEC out.

Like the functioning of initial definition of parameters of VTEC the next thing is in use:

   a) Frequency of rotation of the motor (revolutions per minute);
   b) Speed of the movement of the car (thousands / h);
   c) Sign of production of the sensor of provision of a valve of butterfly (TPS);
   d) A current load of the motor is determined by indications of the sensor of the absolute pressure in the oil pipeline of entry (MARCH);
   e) Temperature of cooling the liquid.

In small turns of the motor both the prior election and the secondary valves of entry work of cames themselves and opened in the identic height and with an identic duration, supplying the good torque in the lowest variety of turns and the high speed of the reaction to the gas.

When there is a need for the increase in the return of the motor, the yokes of primary and secondary valves of entry through the special hydraulic device with the electronic control are blockaded with an intermediary yoke. At the same time the duration and the height of the opening of both valves are defined by the form of the intermediary came that is differentiated in the biggest height and less sharpness of the rise.

The primary and secondary yokes stop contacting to have cames up to what the system not if desconecte. The system allows to try to obtain the torque of favorable condition both in the boy, and in high turns of the motor, depending on the current load enclosed for him.

Check of a condition of component ones

Valve eletromagnética of blockading / pressure of датчик-выключатель

The valve eletromagnética of the blockade of the system VTEC including the switch of sensor of the pressure is located in the left part of a wall of bottom of the motor (of a splitting of a compartment of reason).

The models 1994 and 1995 of the question.

The bad functioning in an outline of the valve eletromagnética of the blockade of VTEC leads to the register of a code of the bad functioning (DTC) 21 in the memory of the unity of control. In the panel of the car at the same time the control lamp "Illuminates they check the motor". The information detailed on systems DTC of the autodiagnostic one is supplied in the Head of the System of control of the motor.

The failure of the switch of sensor of the pressure takes the DTC 22 of register and the operation of a lamp of control "They check the motor".

Models from 1996 of the question.

The refusal in outlines of the switch of sensor or valve eletromagnético of the pressure leads to the operation of a lamp of control "They check the motor" and registers in the memory of the unity of control DTC P1259. The reading of diagnostic codes needs the OBD II scanner (to see the Head of the System of control of the motor).

All the models


1. Disunite to round electric capture in two pressure (companion sees an illustration).

2. Join an ohmmeter between captures of switch of sensor. The device will register the existence of condutividade (null resistance), otherwise the sensor switch is subject to the substitution.
3. Join the voltômetro between the mass of a body and the capture of a dark-blue wire in the capture е of a braid. In the included ignition (a key in the position of in) the device will show 12 V, otherwise to check a condition of a dark-blue wire and confidence of his connections of contact in the siege between the capture and the capture of RSM.
4. If the check of the tension produces the positive result, join the voltômetro between two captures of the capture of a braid (dark-blue and black wires). In the ignition included the device it will register 12 V, otherwise to check a condition of a black of wire (base) and confidence of his connections of contact in the siege between the capture and weight.
5. In the ignition off (a key in the position of) disunite the capture of 1 contact of the valve eletromagnética of the blockade of VTEC (to see an illustration in top). Join an ohmmeter between the capture of valve (her done not taken) and the mass of a body. If the reading instrument exceeds the limit of the variety of 14 for 30 ohms, substitute the valve eletromagnética (see down).

6. A pin turns in 10 mm of the union of control of pressure of oil in the valve eletromagnética. There adheres to the union the mechanical manometer of the measurement of the pressure of oil (companion sees an illustration).

7. Heat the motor up to the temperature of normal work (the supporter of system of cooling will work).
8. The breaks of the short enemy lines in series lift turns of motor to values 1000, 3000 and 5000 inside a minute. Consider the indication of the manometer in each one of the enumerated frequencies of the rotation of the motor.

It is not necessary to lift turns of motor without overdoing more than during a minute.

9. The oil pressure will be not above 0:49 kgfs/cm 2, otherwise it is necessary to check a condition of the valve VTEC eletromagnética.
10. One a point of passage of wire between the positive capture of the battery the capture of the valve VTEC eletromagnética (1 sees an illustration to the paragraph). Since a little time it lifts tendencies of motor to value 5000 inside a minute (not more than during a minute) and to consider the indication of the manometer. This time owes not less than 4,2 kgfs/cm 2, otherwise check a condition of the valve.

11th. Withdraw the meeting of the valve eletromagnética, when switch of sensor of pressure was separated of him.

11b. Manually check the freedom of the course of a diver (companions see illustrations). During the meeting installation at the place they do not forget of substituting a ring of fighter.

12. Check a state and passability of a filter of oil of complete line. Clean the filter and install it at the place (with a new fighter ring). If passability of the filter one breaks, substitute the oil of reason.

Yokes with masloraspylitel


1. Discover a head of cylinders (to see the Equipment and administrations in the hall) and swallows the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of VMT (to see the Agreement of seats).

Removal, check of a state and installation of axles and meetingки yokes2. There holds tight a finger an intermediary yoke (companion sees an illustration) – have of moving freely from yokes of primary and secondary valves. Otherwise withdraw yokes ends of the check of a condition of component ones of the meeting to (see).

3. After the yokes removal (to see the Desprendimento of a monk's hood) they take of them the pistons of sincronização (companion sees an illustration).

A) Yoke of primary valve
C) Yoke of the secondary valve
C) Intermediary yoke
D) Short piston
E) Long piston

4. Check all the component ones (yokes and pistons) for the existence of signs of use, zadir and aspects of overheating. Substitute incorrect parts. Withdraw masloraspylitel of the entry and the final parties of the head of cylinders (companion sees an illustration), cleans them and establishes at the place.

5. The meeting is done as it must be, the return to an order to be demolished.

Before the installation of plays of yokes in an axle they reconcile us and fix with bandages of rubber (to see the Desprendimento of a monk's hood).

Meetings of ticket inspectors of slits valvate


1. In a head of cylinders four groups of ticket inspectors of slits valvate are established.
2. Withdraw individual meetings of ticket inspectors (to see the Desprendimento of a monk's hood).

3. The fingers check the freedom of movement of a diver of the meeting of the ticket inspector (companion sees an illustration) – the insignificant resistance has to be felt, nevertheless in the increase in the load of the diver it has to be pulled out freely. In case of the detection of defects they substitute the meeting.