Honda Civic/Acura Integra

from 1994 launch

Repair and operation of the car

Honda Tsivik
+ Cars of the mark of It Treats Full text and Honda Civic With care
+ Maintenance education
- Regular maintenance
   Time-table of regular maintenance
   General information on placing and agreements
   Check of levels of liquids (each one 400 km of a race or weekly)
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure of his evaluation (each one 400 km of a race or weekly)
   Check of level of liquid of the direction of power (each one 4.800 km of a race or time during three months)
   Check of the ATF at level (each one 4.800 km of a race or time during three months)
   Substitution of filter of oil of reason and filter of oil (each one 4.800 km of a race or time during three months)
   Check of a state and substitution of brushes from clothes to rub of fabric (each one 12.000 km of a race or time during 6 months)
   Check, service and load of the battery recarregável (each one 12.000 km of a race or time during 6 months)
   Check of a state, agreement of effort of a tension and substitution of driving of belts, (each one 12.000 km of a race or time during 6 months)
   Check of a state and substitution of the hoses located in a compartment of reason (each one 12.000 km of a race or times during 6 months)
   Check of a condition of component ones of the system of cooling (each one 12.000 km of a race or time during 6 months)
   Rotation of wheels (each one 12.000 km of a race or time during 6 months)
   Check of the system of brakes (each one 12.000 km of a race or time during 6 months)
   Check of a condition of belts of seat (each one 24.000 km of a race or time during 12 months)
   Check and adjust of slits of valves (each one 24.000 km of a race or time during 12 months)
   Substitution of the element of purifier of air of filtration (each one 24.000 km of a race or times during two years)
   The check of a condition of component ones of a power supplies to the system (each one 24.000 km of a race or time during 12 months)
   Check of level of the oil of gear box RKPP (each one 24.000 km of a race or time during 12 months)
   Inquiry of component ones of a support of the triangular form of interruption and directing walk, check of a condition of protective coverings of ends of power
   Check of a condition of component ones of system of production of the carried out gases (each one 9.600 km of a race or times during 6 months)
   Check of a state and substitution of captures of spark
   Check of a state and substitution of VV of wires of candle, a covering and the corridor of the distributor (each one 48.000 km of a race or time during 24 months)
   Check and substitution of the valve of system of the ventilation made work of a case (PCV) (each one 48.000 km of a race or times during 24 months)
   Substitution of the filter of fuel (each one 48.000 km of a race or time during 24 months)
   Check and adjust of turns of wasting time (each one 48.000 km of a race or time during 24 months)
   Service of the system of cooling (depleção, washing and stuffing) (each one 48.000 km of a race or time during 24 months)
   Substitution of fluid of brake (each one 48.000 km of a race or time during 24 months)
   Substitution of liquid of automatic exchange (em/CVT) (each one 48.000 km of a race or time during 24 months)
   Substitution of the oil of gear box RKPP (each one 48.000 km of a race or time during 24 months)
   Unloading of the balcony of indicative of intervals of service
+ Motor
+ Cooling of system and heating
+ System of provision of power and launch
+ Electric motor equipment
+ Systems of control of the motor
+ Box of dislocation of gear
+ Union and ends of power
+ Brakes system
+ Support of the triangular form of interruption and direction
+ Body
+ Electric side equipment


The check of a condition of component ones of a power supplies to the system (each one 24.000 km of a race or time during 12 months)

It is worthwhile to remember that to gasoline the flammable liquid is in the highest measure – during the work with component of a system of provision of power they observe all the measures been overcome with the security of fire. Do not smoke and it does not bring near the place of works with the naked flame or the transport left unprotected by the shadow of lamp. It does not do the service of the system in the equipped quarter of the devices acalentadores using the natural gas and equipped of a torch of control (like vodogre and driers of the clothes). Do not forget of what to gasoline is between the substances cancerogenic what promote the development of the cancer – they try not to allow blows of the fuel in open parts of the body – they wear protective gloves of rubber, in the chance unforeseen contact carefully they wash out the hand quiet person with the soap. Immediately join the spilled fuel and do not put the rags impregnated by fuel and lubricants near to fountains of naked flame. remember that the system of provision of power of the equipped models of the injection of the fuel constantly is below the pressure. Before beginning a lack of interest of lines of fuel, deposit the residual pressure in the system (since more details see the Head of the system of provision of Power and launch). In the service of component ones of a provision of being able a system put wide eyes. Constantly one maintain near to on the hand the fire extinguisher of fire of the class B!


1. In the moment of the emergence in the interior of the car of a smell of gasoline during the movement or after the long parking in the open sun there are necessary there examine all the component ones of a system of provision of being able immediately attentively.
2. Discover a gooey mouth of the tank of fuel and check it existence of damages and aspects of the corrosion. In the whole perimeter of the placing there it will suffer his continuous aspect of the dense pressing to a tank mouth. In case of the detection of defects they substitute a placing / covering.
3. Check lines of offer and return of the fuel of the existence of slits, parliament and other damages. Check the confidence of the delay in connections of nipple of metal lines and collars of the fixation of hoses of fuel.

All the models considered in the present manual are equipped of the system of the injection of the fuel, and therefore before lines of fuel of separation or to withdraw component anyone is necessary to deposit the residual pressure in the system (to see the Head of the system of provision of Power and launch).

4. Whenever possible it examines injectors of injection in the existence of aspects of the hole of the fuel. In case of the necessity they substitute the damaged rings of fighter (to see the Head of the system of provision of Power and launch).
5. Like systems of provision of power, a great deal of component ones, – like tank of fuel and part of tubes of fuel – they are located below the car, for the realization of the check of his state that is necessary to lift the vehicle, having spread it out in the crank, having exhausted in a platform, or having established in stakes. Take care of the confidence of the fixation of the car in the lifted situation.

6. Check the tank of fuel and his gooey mouth of the existence of puncturas, slits and other damages. Pay the special attention to the inquiry of the place of an union of a mouth with a tank. Sometimes the rubber of a mouth begins to pass the fuel due to the weakening of fixing collars, or as a consequence of the aging of material (companion to see an illustration). Here only those of problems possible that diagnostic and the elimination of the reasons they are inside the qualification of the middle amateur mechanic if they enumerate.

Do not do the attempt of the repair independent of the tank of fuel in absolute (except the substitution of his component of rubber) – the contact contained even in the carefully aired tank of residual evaporation of fuel with a torch of a torch of gas or any another fountain of an open flame can cause his explosion!

7. Attentively examine all the hoses of rubber and the metal tubes of the lines of fuel that go of a tank of gasoline (companion sees an illustration). Check a condition of material of tubes / hoses and confidence of the fixation of all the connections of nipple. Also check the tubes of fuel that go to the system of the injection of the fuel. Do the necessary repair, substitute component incorrect (to see the Head of the system of provision of Power and launch).

8. The component ones of the system of the capture of evaporation of fuel also can be a fountain of emergence of a smell of gasoline. The problem of the system includes the retreat of evaporation of fuel of a tank of gasoline a coal adsorber in which they are accumulated during the parking of the car and of where after the launch of the motor they are withdrawn in the entry oil pipeline for aims of be burning in combustion cameras.

9. The most right symptom of the bad functioning in the system of the capture of evaporation of fuel is the emergence of a strong smell of gasoline in a reason compartment. Check a condition from the coal adsorber when he (companion seen an illustration) located in a compartment and brought hoses.